Monday, March 4, 2013

March 4, 2013

March is upon us! All the hard work over the past several months will culminate in the publication of the independent horror comic series debut Cutter # 0 – This introduction to The Cutterverse will lead into  our six issue story arc.
The Cutter Team has also created a few bonus comics touching on the back stories of our main characters and a few side bits o’ humor.
We got the T Shirts, posters and other Cutter swag ready to go.
Christopher Gibbs and I will be hitting some conventions and getting to know everyone face to face.  We can’t wait to let our baby loose on the unsuspecting public.

The process has at times been frustrating and exhausting.
I wouldn’t change a thing.
To see this monster (which found life three years ago as a tickle in the back of my skull) finally clawing its way into reality is breathtaking.
Watch for our upcoming Kickstarter campaign to in mid April and make sure you stop by the Cutter Site – to sign up to receive the debut issue FREE ,also to check out sneak peeks of art and updates on the Cutterverse.

Team Cutter thanks you for your support!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

February 12, 2013

A few new pictures from Cutter as we rocket toward our deadline! March 2013 here we come. The Cutterverse Team has added more Conventions to the Cutter site. Stop in and check them out. If you are in the area please come and support Indie Creators! We would love to meet you!

Working on several single shot story tie ins for Cutter - one shots featuring our main characters and back story info.

Please leave your questions, suggestions or comments on this site or over at the Cutter site.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

February 10, 2013

I’ve been doing some soul searching the past few days. What events have brought me to this point in my creative life? What experiences have shaped my beliefs and passions? How have I molded these views into the stories I tell?

Of course most of the casting / molding occurred during a rather unconventional childhood. Hard and extreme, I wouldn’t change it.  It created an unbreakable foundation for the whirl of chaos you see today.
As I’ve grown through my twenties and into my thirties I’ve watched my views and beliefs change and flex. Suddenly I find myself a fully fledged adult with opinions and outlooks based on my own thoughts not others.
While these views are skewed though the kaleidoscope of a horror writer they are my own and I thrust them into each piece I create.
I fuck with religion, I’m irreverent to those supposedly in power and I don’t mind telling folks when they are being absolute ass clowns. I would hope they would return the favor should my own mouth get too big for my arse.
This is what creates my style, contempt hidden within the guise of humor and terror, a wonderful vintage which I quite enjoy.  
Please stop by the Cutter site to check our latest updates and upcoming conventions we shall be attending. Here's a peek at one of our variant covers - created by Tim Shay.

Monday, February 4, 2013

February 4, 2013

Back after a bit o hiatus. The holidays were a bear and I needed to focus completely on the upcoming launch of Cutter.

Things are picking up speed and coming together nicely. It is my sincere hope to blog more often and too greater purpose as this year progresses.

My anthology is still in the process of being edited and I am working on issues #2 and #3 of Cutter.
Here's a few more glimpses of the Cutterverse for ya!